
Studies show that many infants experience their first spinal misalignment (or subluxation) during the birthing process. This is not surprising when you consider how much strain is placed on the baby’s neck during many birth scenarios and interventions. A few common culprits are a slow labor, a fast labor, the use of forceps or vacuum extraction, and caesarian section deliveries. In a study done in Germany of 1250 babies who were examined 5 days after birth; signs of spinal misalignment were found in 95% of the infants. Common positive responses to spinal adjustments are becoming calm, discontinued crying, and falling sleep. (1)

If these misalignments can be corrected early, a whole host of future problems can be avoided as your baby grows. Chiropractic has successfully helped babies adapt and respond to:

  • Colic

  • Infantile Reflux

  • Trouble Latching

  • Earaches

  • Respiratory problems

  • Digestive Issues

  • Constipation

(1) Gutman G. blocked atlantal nerve syndrome in infants and small children.
Originally published in Manuelle Medizin, 25:5-10,1987. English translation published in Internal Review of Chiropractic 1990 46(4):37.

Toddlers and Children:

As infants mature into toddlers and then children, they regularly crash, bump, and bang their body into everything in their environment. That’s just the way they learn and grow. Unfortunately, this repeated trauma can have a long-term impact on their developing spine if left untreated. Children are resilient and their bodies are designed to adapt to difficult circumstances so while your child might not have back pain, 80% of spinal misalignments (or subluxations) are symptom free.

Our mission is to preserve health rather than cure disease. We do this by early intervention in children, ensuring that the nerve impulses sent from their brain communicate as they should, allowing their body to heal and function properly. Chiropractic care can help children and toddlers positively respond to challenges such as:

  • Bedwetting


  • Respiratory Difficulties

  • Asthma

  • Allergies

  • Earaches

  • Digestive Issues

  • Constipation

  • Sensitivity to Touch

  • Learning Disabilities

  • Social Miscues

Pediatric chiropractic st augustine fl
Dr. Roy Pediatric chiropractic st augustine fl

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